Monday, February 27, 2006

back to scratch

Hi all and no-one,
back to publishing the blog, after seeing that an old friend and rival in the arms race is fast a-blogging! Hi Paul!
You see, we're involved in an arms race, albeit an anachronistic one - we're both building up Victorian forces, starting with Land Ironclads and Aeronefs. must take the lead at sea, now - and he doesn't know it yet, but I've got a large force of redcoats waiting for him. And this way I'll know if he's read this. Clever, eh?

By the way, the pic shows the one and only amazing Electric Blockhaus. Nice contraption, eh?

I'm wondering how incomprehensible or utterly childish all this sounds. But it's good fun, so it's ok. Try is - the world of Victorian Science Fiction is as much fun as a barrelful of steam-powered monkeys.

Anyways - got to go, so g'night for now.
nice to be back.